Urban working people (English-familiar and Internet-enabled):
8.97% of the knowledge-based workers (i.e) Urban Working Population of 10+ crore, have the following means to seek information access: Job boards & classifieds, Professional & Social networking sites, Professional consultancies and Campus placements. For 'Digital citizens' it is easy to access.

Rural/Urban working people (Local vernacular-familiar and mobile-enabled):
For Rural/Urban Working Population, Internet based job portal is not an option. The remaining 30 Cr+ of the Skilled, Semi Skilled or Unskilled Workforce has no formal training or mentor for career guidance. Skilled / Unskilled workers have the following approaches to gain job information or employability skills.
1. Newspaper classifieds
2. Job advertisements in bus stops or public places
3. Reference from Friends / relatives
4. Physical visit to factories